Election 2024 Candidate Profiles

Saskatchewan Green Party

Formerly called Constituency Associations, new rules from Elections Saskatchewan have changed the name to Riding Associations. RAs allow local Saskatchewan Greens to hold official events, recruit new supporters, fundraise, and select your candidate for the next election. If you don't have an organized Riding Association (RA), you might be interested in helping to form one for your area. 

Contact our organizing team at [email protected] to learn more about RAs and what's involved in starting and maintaining them.


Your 2024 Green Candidates


SGP Candidate Billy PattersonSGP Candidate Isaiah Hunter for Lumsden-MorseSGP Candidate Remi RheaultSGP Candidate Victor LauSGP Candidate Bo Chen for Regina Wascana PlainsSGP Candidate Sean MuirheadSGP Candidate Whitney GreenleafSGP Candidate Naomi HunterSGP Candidate Mohammad MansourSGP Candidate Valerie BrooksDarry Michelle SGP Candidate for Saskatoon Centre Kimberly Epp SGP Candidate for Moose Jaw North SGP Candidate for Batosh Hamish GrahamJim Elliott SGP Candidate for Regina ElphinstonePhoenix Neault SGP Candidate for Saskatoon FairviewJupiter Neault for Saskatoon WestviewNorth Hunter for Weyburn - Bengough Tristan St. Germain for MelfortJarren Jones for Prince Albert Northcote Clayton Cave for Cypress Hills Jacklin Andrews for Saskatoon-Meewasin Shane Caellaigh for Saskatoon Northwest  Andrew Muirhead for Prince Albert Carlton Kendra Anderson for Saskatoon Eastview Feipe Guerra for Saskatoon Sutherland  Gillian Halyk

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  • Mike Hamm