Party Documents and Land Acknowledgment

The Saskatchewan Green Party acknowledges that in Saskatchewan we are on Treaty Land. These treaties serve to govern our relationships with Indigenous people. These treaties are Treaty 8, Treaty 10, Treaty 6, Treaty 4, and portions of Treaty 7, 2 and 5 (traditional boundaries do not and should not conform to settler maps). We pay our respects to the First Nations and Metis ancestors of this place and affirm our relationship with one another. We must recognize that we all have benefits and responsibilities under these agreements. We acknowledge the harms and injustices of the past and present. We dedicate our efforts to working together in a spirit of collaboration and reconciliation. We are all treaty people.


2024 Election Platform - Read it here


Saskatchewan Green Party Official Documents



Guide "Write Your Resolution Right"


Archived Documents


2020 Election Platform

Proposed changes to SGP Policy and Procedures re: 2024 AGM Resolutions

SGP 2023 Constitution and Bylaws

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  • Nancy Carswell