The Weaver October 2024

The Weaver

This month's Weaver is packed with wonderful information and messages from your Leader and SGP Executive. Stay up to date. Be informed. Watch our website for updates as we post information on our election readiness for the 2024 Provincial Election, candidate announcements, Platform information, and volunteer opportunities.

The Weaver - Leaders Message

SGP Leader Naomi Hunter

Dear Saskatchewan Greens,

Dear fellow Greens,

First and foremost, thank you so much to all of you who have stepped up to help this election effort with time and donations. Despite some very difficult new challenges to getting our candidates onto the ballot, we ended up fielding 58 out of a possible 61 candidates for MLA.  Daymion Tyndale for Last Mountain Touchwood, Herb Bellrose for White City-Qu’Appelle and Clayton Cave for Cypress Hills were incredible candidates and their input is still needed in the party. I sincerely hope they will run again. Their courage in stepping up is very much appreciated.

Read more . . . 


SGP Announcements

Candidate Announcements

Please check in at our website during the month, to see new candidate announcements as they go up before you see them in the Weaver.

If you or someone you know can help in a campaign or would make a great candidate, please connect with Naomi Hunter at 1-306-561-8880.

Click on the photos to read the full bios.

Janice Dongworth for Rosthern-Shellbrook

Dianna Holigroski for Regina Walsh Acres

Heather MacNeil for Regina Lakeview

Jackie Hanson for Saskatoon-Silverspring

Mike Gardiner for Moose Jaw Wakamow

Ekaterina Cabylis for Regina Pasqua

Be Part of Doing Politics Differently

Ever wondered why we beg for donations like a thirsty cactus? Like leaky buckets in a drought, we struggle with sporadic funds. Monthly donations provide a steady stream, allowing us to plan and expand effectively. Become a monthly donor and be a rainmaker. Your future self—and many others—will thank you!

The big bonus is that donations of $25 or more are eligible for a tax credit of up to 75% of your donation.

To donate by credit card, visit Donate - Saskatchewan Green Party or email [email protected] for your other options.


SGP Lawn Signs


No SMRs Lawn Sign

Visit the Clean Green Saskatchewan homepage to download a PDF or connect with [email protected] to purchase for $33.30. 


Petitions - Take Action and Please Sign

You can make a difference.

Together we can create real change in this province. As people across the province mobilize and add their voices to petitions for change, we build strength and resilience together. Add your voice today.

SK must act now to remove asbestos in our drinking water

SK needs a Wetlands Policy

SK needs renewable energy - not nuclear waste.

SK demands a new approach to healthcare

End Homelessness in Saskatchewan

Ending Poverty in Saskatchewan


Call for Volunteers

Join your local volunteer team 

Your support is vital to help elect Saskatchewan Green MLAs and continue to build Green momentum in all ridings across our Province.

Fostering communities of dedicated change-makers, who enjoy working collaboratively in line with the Values of the Saskatchewan Green Party is essential to our mission. We need people like you, who demonstrate service, leadership, and a commitment to a more sustainable, healthy, and caring Saskatchewan.

Does this sound like you?

Please join us in this exciting opportunity to work with The Saskatchewan Green Party as we work towards building a stronger voice in government, and stronger advocacy for Green Values. Thank you for your support in helping grow the SK Green movement!

Lend a Hand...

The Weaver Feature Article

Regina Green Candiadates

Jim Elliot, Regina Elphinstone Centre and Bo Chen, Regina Wascana Plains were campaigning last week at the Regina Library.


Sask Green's 2024 Election Platform

If you have not had a chance to review the full 2024 Platform, here is a link to it. Enjoy.



The Weaver Newsletter Links and Contributions

Saskatchewan election leader profile: Naomi Hunter, Green Party | CTV News

Naomi Hunter, leader of the Saskatchewan Green Party, combines activism with politics, championing environmental and social justice issues. Raised in northern Saskatchewan, she’s committed to hearing community concerns through her “listening campaign.” Passionate about climate action, poverty reduction, and healthcare reform, Hunter seeks to build a sustainable future for all generations. Read more…


Saskatchewan Green Party focuses on Indigenous voices ahead of election |

As Saskatchewan’s election night nears, the push for Indigenous representation in provincial legislation is front and center. While all parties acknowledge its importance, the Green Party leads with 27 Indigenous candidates out of 58. Candidates like Aly Bear and Alesha Bruce emphasize the need for Indigenous voices to shape policy and drive change. Read more…


Candidates discuss issues at Weyburn Chamber election forum -

Saskatchewan Green Party candidate North Hunter champions a “new green deal” for Weyburn-Bengough, advocating for hybrid and electric vehicles, public transport revival, and careful consideration of nuclear energy’s impact on water supplies. Hunter emphasizes investment in education and healthcare as foundations for a sustainable and thriving economy. Read more…


The Weaver Newsletter

We hope you feel inspired to share your thoughts and knowledge with our readers. We are ready to dig deep with you and share your contributions with our Green members and supporters. We will work with you as much as you’d like through discussion or with editing help on any submission.  We treasure the efforts of any and all who share our respect for the Green Values and offer us their thoughts on relevant topics. We will let you know when your submission has been accepted.

The Weaver Team

[email protected]


The Weaver Newsletter disclaimer

The Weaver articles express the viewpoints of the authors. They may not always align with the policies of the Saskatchewan Green Party.


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