Mike Gardiner has lived in Moose Jaw for 17 years with his partner and two children. He works as a Family Support Worker and is completing a degree in Social Work at the University of Regina.
In his spare time, Mike loves to connect with nature by hiking, backcountry camping, canoeing and kayaking. He also enjoys studying the natural sciences, spirituality, technology, psychology, sociology, economics, and political science.
Mike has worked in the field of social work for over a decade and has heard many stories from people from all walks of life including Indigenous peoples, women, LGBTQ2SA+, seniors, newcomers to Canada, people of colour, people experiencing homelessness, youth and children, parents, people with disabilities, teachers, people with mental illnesses, emergency services workers, students, healthcare workers, professionals and small business owners. It is because of these stories that Mike was moved to lend his voice to speak up on issues often overlooked in provincial elections by the major parties.
Mike believes strongly in
- The preservation of the biosphere and Indigenous seventh-generation principles.
- Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a proven solution to the financial struggles of families and individuals, as a means to build up the economy with extra spending power, and as a way to enable people to pay the higher costs of local goods and healthier foods.
- Decolonization, with the complete autonomy of Indigenous and Métis peoples, and working towards true reconciliation.
- Complete transparency and accountability in government: a provincial government free of corruption, bribery, and party vote whipping.
- Fair taxation of the wealthiest 10% and ultra-wealthy corporations, with the closing of tax loopholes. This would provide the funding for social programs like UBI.
- Collaboration with other parties when values are aligned.
- The equal and equitable rights of all people to be free of racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, and genderism.
- Listening to constituents, and exploring actionable solutions for existing unique problems.
- Ending the Saskatchewan Party's corruption (as seen in the ByPass Scandal).
- Treating rivers, wetlands, lakes, and watersheds with the same legal protections as corporations receive -- with the protection of the rights of personhood.
- Restoring natural grasslands and wetlands where possible, and making it law for existing wetlands to be protected.
To help with Mike’s campaign please reach out to [email protected] and he will email you back.
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