Fundraising ideas for Green Party Campaigns
There are many ways a candidate, constituency association or political party can raise money. Always, this is best done well ahead of an election. Advanced fundraising will set you and your group up for early advertising and pre-election expenses. It is a good idea to start working on your "war chest' now, as it will set you up for success later on.
As Greens, we have a Grass Roots strength that works very well in small-scale, person-to-person fundraising. People are happy to support events that feel local and personal in nature. Green supporters are very willing to contribute to fundraising projects with products, artwork, baking and more. We only have to ask and organize the event.
Here is a list of ideas for your fundraising committee or constituency association. Many of these ideas are super basic, but they work. Every contact we make, every fundraising sale we make, and every donation we receive put us one step closer for the next election.
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