Green Values offer Hope! - February 2023
Saskatchewan, our home, is a province that has always given me so much hope. I meet inspiring new people here every day. So many of you, members of the SGP, are individuals who I’ve been inspired by. You’ve told me your stories and expressed how you feel a connection to our shared Green Values that link us with other Provincial Green parties, the Green Party of Canada, and the Global Greens movement.
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New Year - New Entheusiasm - January 2023
We are starting this New Year with a new website, a new format to our newsletter The Weaver, and a growing team of aspiring MLA candidates about to seek nomination for the 2024 election.
We are better prepared ahead of an election than ever before. Fully one-third of our constituencies are spoken for. At this point, between elections, seemed like the perfect time to improve our communications systems, and to confirm and train candidates. I’ve spoken numerous times of my “Ten Year Vision” plan I had when I became leader, and today I see much of this plan rolling out faster than the ten years I had originally accounted for.
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