The Winds of Change are Blowing

Dear Saskatchewan Greens,

I’m finally done harvest at the family orchard. That was a long one this year!

The winds of change are blowing in this province! I’m travelling the width and length of Saskatchewan again, helping Greens organize for the upcoming election. Everywhere I go, I hear the same thing: “We are ready for something new!” We in the SGP are the refreshing breeze that this province needs to restore voters’ belief in the integrity of our political system.

We are the only political party in this province brave enough to stand against the SMR’s (nuclear power) that all the other parties are touting as the solution. We see the announcements for untested, experimental nuclear reactors in Saskatchewan as a thinly veiled delaying tactic designed to avoid implementing real climate change solutions.

Saskatchewan vitally needs to reach Net Zero by 2035. Sooner would be better. Solar, wind and other renewables are tried and true – ready to go! These solutions are also currently the cheapest way to drastically reduce our emissions! We have candidates ready to take this message to forums. Nuclear is not the answer.

People tell me that they are at a breaking point. They are suffering at the hands of a self-deifying provincial government and its ineffective opposition. At a time when we ALL needed financial relief, an immediate cut to the PST would have been one of the quickest ways to help every single person in this province deal with the affordability crisis. It didn’t happen. 

This government has also ignored the addiction and suicide epidemic weighing on our province. They underfunded education and healthcare to a breaking point. Municipalities were also deprived of needed funds. Lastly, more people were put on the streets than ever before; then, after causing people to end up homeless, this province has had encampments swept and sanitized, depriving those in most need of their few possessions. With all this, we ask “Cui bono?” – “Who benefits?” Absolutely heartless “governance” like this needs to go.

Under normal circumstances, I suppose I might be inclined to say that those who destroyed things should fix them. However, we find ourselves at such a tipping point, that it would be foolhardy indeed to trust the career politicians to have the courage to “Do Politics Differently,” to lead with compassion and a real understanding of what life is like for those who are struggling. As the winds of change blow, it’s time for a clean sweep of the halls of the Legislature. 

This is the time for a fresh Green Party government, full of energy and determination to flush out corruption and foster a society where kindness is the norm and Saskatchewan community spirit is given free rein. Our province is ready for cradle-to-grave free, supportive mental healthcare. A Healthy Society is in need of your vote. Meet our candidates through this link, reach out and ask them your questions ( link ).


Doing Politics Differently!


Naomi Hunter
Saskatchewan Green Party Leader

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