Fellow Greens,
This election has heightened even further the urgent need for Green legislation and Green legislators for Saskatchewan. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986, terrible as it was, could have been much, much worse. Remarkably, despite this event as well as the Fukushima and Three Mile Island accidents, the pro-nuclear SaskParty is following the lead of those who would say that it’s possible to guarantee that these types of accidents (and worse) will never happen again. The truth of the matter is that it’s pretty much guaranteed that worse will come to pass, especially when dealing with waste products that remain toxic for tens of thousands of years, products whose long-term storage problems are far from sorting out.
In this 2024 provincial election, the SGP stood out as the only party opposing the proposed SMNRs (Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, mythical products that do not yet exist). With the SaskParty winning another four-year term and the NDP (who have also expressed support for SMRs) as the only other elected MLAs in the Legislature, we as Greens must work with urgency to get our message out to the public.
We need to push, throughout this four-year term, for real climate action. We need to bring our solutions of solar, wind and geothermal energy, with better, energy-smart mass transportation options for our province, to the hearts and minds of every citizen in Saskatchewan.
We need to look to our strengths, grassroots organizing and a passion for ecology. We must organize now and grow this movement together, for the sake of our children and grandchildren. The climate crisis is undeniable. We, as humans together on the only liveable planet, are on a short-term deadline to save our home.
This election was a “make or break” election for the NDP. The graph shown here shows third-party results across the province. The Saskatchewan Greens were the third party in a third of the province, 20 ridings. As we build and grow, especially in these ridings where we have momentum, we can give hope and focus to those who have reasonable doubts about the government’s current plans of action. Youth, especially those suffering climate anxiety, need to see that they have help in the fight for their future!
Yours in resolve,
Naomi Hunter,
Saskatchewan Green Party Leader
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