Homelessness in the Frigid Cold

The University Bridge is closed in Saskatoon today (Monday, January 20). A fire got out of control under the bridge and damaged a sewage pipe under the bridge's supports. Raw sewage is now leaking down into the river. Tuesday morning it was -37 in Saskatoon. Closer to -49 with the wind chill. 

There has been a lot of talk about traffic flow and delays. However, there were human beings trying to stay alive out there last night. It's painful to imagine the struggle and suffering these community members must be experiencing. Maybe the Saskatoon University Bridge should stay closed until the homelessness crisis in our province has been attended to?

The Saskatchewan government’s changes to income support programs are directly increasing the unhoused population. The average Saskatchewan Income Support Program recipient is forced to choose between food or utilities and rent.  Every individual receives $300 less than the minimum cost of living every single month. The Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability Program has similar shortfalls. All of this is not to say that inflationary factors aren’t also partly to blame, but even accounting for that, Saskatchewan has not kept up with anywhere near a minimum standard of care.

This province desperately needs the government to address the homelessness epidemic by increasing SIS and SAID rates to meet the minimum costs of living. We need significant investment in social housing. The high eviction rate shows us that we also need to go back to Social Services making direct rent and utility payments to landlords/providers. These are healing measures that would save lives, especially in a desperately cold winter like the one we are experiencing now in Saskatchewan.

Thank goodness we have nonprofits and volunteers who have stepped in with humanitarian aid to help unhoused individuals this bitterly cold winter. But temporary shelters are a stop-gap measure. People need permanent, safe and affordable housing so they can receive help with those issues they may be suffering which contribute to their unhoused state. People also need an immediate increase in the monetary level of payments. 

If you have not already done so, please sign our SGP petition to End Homelessness in Saskatchewan https://www.saskgreen.ca/end_homelessness_in_saskatchewan and our petition for a Saskatchewan Guaranteed Liveable Income https://www.saskgreen.ca/ending_poverty_in_saskatchewan


In solidarity,

Naomi Hunter
Saskatchewan Green Party Leader


[email protected]

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  • Naomi Hunter