Year-end Reflections and Building Forward

Dear Fellow Greens,

As the old year draws to an end and a new one begins, so many of us take this as a time of personal reflection. As political, social and environmental activists, those of us in the Green Party also use this time for broader reflection upon our part in creating meaningful change in our society. We can feel determined and hopeful as a community, working in groups in our local areas and across the province, building a greener and kinder future together.

In a province where our government shows willful disregard for environmental stewardship and social responsibility, and where the opposition NDP stays silent on climate action (the most important issue of our time), we Greens have a responsibility. We will use these next years listening and sharing and spreading the policies we offer (even as they continue to improve with input), policies that are hopeful and that will turn out to be what the people of Saskatchewan actually want in their hearts. The most effective method we have for growing and building is group discussion where we effect change with our personal friends and neighbours. We can educate the electorate outward from our circle when the so-called stewards of Saskatchewan fail to do so. We do not need to be dependent on the media to spread our message either, when we ourselves are the most impactful means of reaching those around us.

We need clarity in communicating our goals as we move forward. Surprisingly, perhaps, the biggest task in our growth and rebuilding is cutting through the mountain of misinformation and disinformation people have about the Green Party (and about the supposed inevitability of our two-party legislature). When people see that we stand for the things most precious to them, they too will take on their full democratic role to support us and spread the word. 


OUR GOALS: We envision a Saskatchewan where (in no fixed order):

 *all avenues are explored and implemented, in a timely fashion, to reduce and eliminate our production of GHGs. We need to achieve Net Zero by 2030 at the latest – 2050 is way too late.

*we must end homelessness in our province. The network of nonprofits that have stepped up to offer emergency shelter this harsh winter is heartwarming;  however, we need a long-term Housing First-mandated action plan in our harsh climate.

*all privatization of our public utilities – including new solar and wind projects, which are also being privatized currently – must be halted. SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SaskTel, etc., are not for sale.

*wildfire and disaster preparation and prevention plans need to be put in place immediately in Saskatchewan before the next forest fire season lights back up.

*in our critically wounded healthcare sector, we need to demand proper staffing, training incentives for healthcare workers in high need areas (like tuition support), and expanded healthcare  facilities with  space to meet the demands of our population growth. We need to ensure every SK resident has access to a doctor, primary care team or nurse practitioner. Lastly, we need to halt all privatization attempts on our healthcare system; these are harmful both to those needing healthcare and to workers in the industry.

*we must invest in our future by fully supporting our Education System. We need our education workers and students to have their practical daily needs fulfilled so they can focus on education instead of having to organize constantly to achieve that goal.

*we want true housing availability, focused on extremely affordable, nonprofit and cooperative housing. This province also desperately needs Rent Control Legislation.

*we must prioritize protection of our environment and natural spaces and lakes, rivers and wetlands.

*we need to focus on developing publicly owned senior care facilities and bring privately owned senior care homes to an end. If the wealthy in our province knew they were going into a publicly owned senior care home, they would invest in them and insist the quality of facilities increase for all.

*we need much stronger limits on political donations and we must end out of province donations to Saskatchewan political parties; first we must educate our people on the fact that Saskatchewan’s  allowing out of province political donations is NOT the norm across Canada.

*substance abuse treatment and mental health treatment need to move way up the ladder in priority. Again, our population growth has not seen an added growth in treatment centres or other support options for those experiencing these needs. Due to the current urgency, our long wait times for help are tantamount to human rights abuse.

*a Guaranteed Liveable Income program for Saskatchewan to combat poverty is essential. The demonstration projects for GLI have all been successful. Let’s go!

*we as Greens must reeducate to counter the widespread Conservative misinformation on the carbon pricing and rebate system (Carbon Tax). The “opposition” NDP have failed to do so, and have even joined the SaskParty in opposing it.

*we must educate SK residents on the high cost and threat to the environment and human health of nuclear power, and oppose the building of experimental SMRs in Saskatchewan.

*we need to champion organic farming, permaculture, and other natural alternatives to chemical farming/ weed and pest control methods.

*a provincial full-school lunch program to help parents and combat youth hunger is doable and should be instituted.

*improvements must be made to tax and royalty contracts in our province. Remediation plans must be worked in and  a fee must be charged up front, to ensure that taxpayers are not left to pay upon the project’s end and the corporation’s departure..

*ALL oil and gas subsidies and tax credits need to be eliminated in Saskatchewan.

*we need funding for peer support and social connection groups in Saskatchewan along with recognition of the valuable mental health role they fulfill.

*the value that the Artist community (of all forms) brings to our vibrant province deserves greater support and promotion. We also need to have greater assurance of equitable distribution of funds across the arts community.

*we need a provincial referendum on Electoral Reform.

*we need the return of the STC – plus expanded and environmentally sustainable and efficient public transportation in this province; it must be so affordable and attractive to citizens that it is preferable to single occupancy vehicles. A high speed electric passenger train between Saskatoon and Regina would decrease wear and tear on our roads and provide a life-enhancing alternative for many.

*we need to create a circular economy for Saskatchewan and reduce the amount of waste in our province.

*we need stronger Human Rights Protection Legislation in Saskatchewan so that no minority group can be targeted and treated in a way that interferes with their right to safety and security.

* we need to educate people on the fact that we as Greens clearly make our goals and Policies available to the public. Right now, anyone can go to our website, and learn what we stand for. This information can be harder to acquire from other sources.  Here is a really important difference about the Saskatchewan Green Party which we can all promote.

*all asbestos cement water pipes in Saskatchewan need to be replaced asap, as asbestos is a well-known toxic carcinogen. We have over 1,000 asbestos cement water lines in the province.

Closing with our Saskatchewan Green Party’s respectful action in Treaty relationship and reconciliation, and commitment to working in collaboration with the Sovereign Indigenous Peoples Advisory Council for their guidance in a positive direction for the future.


This New Year we can recommit to our own unwavering dedication to Ecological Wisdom.

Green Values are Global and translate across international, national, provincial and municipal politics. We are currently finishing up our paperwork duties from the recent provincial election. Meanwhile, federal politics show more and more turbulence, and the likelihood of a federal election happening sooner rather than later has become something we must not ignore. We as a political movement can be proud of our strong provincial candidates, a number of whom are already committing to run for MP in the federal election. I am already confirmed as the Green Party of Canada candidate for Saskatoon West. I didn’t want to make a public post or create a candidate's Facebook page without sharing this news with you, SGP friends, first. I run in both provincial and federal elections representing our Green Values and see this practice as a good opportunity for our candidates to keep building name recognition and experience. Valerie Brooks, our recent Yorkton candidate, is the Green Party of Canada candidate for Yorkton-Melville and Remi Rheault, our provincial Moosomin-Montmartre candidate, is the GPC candidate for Souris Moose Mountain. Hopefully, you will hear more announcements with familiar SGP names and new Greens too. We can all help as much as we can. I know that I will never ever forget those who have helped me even an hour during my own campaigns for MLA and MP.


Happy New Year, Friends!

Sincerely and with profound gratitude,
Naomi Hunter
Saskatchewan Green Party Leader

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  • Naomi Hunter