Official Announcement
SGP Annual General Meeting
June 1st, 2024
Every year we have an opportunity to gather as a group. It is a wonderful time for visiting with old and new friends. This year is an election year, and it will be especially exciting. Many of our nominated candidates will be in attendance. Perhaps your candidate will be there, and you can discover how you can help with their campaign.
Every year we choose a different location for the AGM. This year's AGM will be happening in Saskatoon. The exact location will be announced at a later date. Make sure you set aside Saturday, June 1st, 2024 on your calendar and plan to attend.
On Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, the party held a Special General Meeting. At this meeting, the party membership decided that we should form a committee to go through all of the party's official documents to simplify and provide more clarity. There was an elected committee created by the party membership at the Special General Meeting. The committee spent many hours and completed their task.
4 policy resolutions will be submitted by the documents committee. The proposed resolutions will be included in the official ballot package which will be released at a later date.
Please find the proposed document changes here:
Proposed changes to SGP Policy and Procedures
re: 2024 AGM Resolutions
Because of the large resolutions that will be proposed; the Provincial Executive decided that we are accepting policy resolutions as normal at an AGM, but members should be aware that due to the length of the changes and discussion needed from the work of the Policy and Procedure committee, we may have to move most policy motions to a future SGM or AGM.
Please make sure your membership is up to date so that you can vote on these important changes. It's only $5 per year. - Here is the Link.
Executive Nominations
At every AGM there are elections held for positions on the Provincial Executive team. There are 12 electable positions available to the Provincial Executive. The roles, duties and titles for each position can be found in Section B 8.0 Provincial Executive Officers of the current Constitution and Bylaws.
At the 2024 AGM, every position is open except for Party Leader and Deputy Leader. That means there will be an opportunity for 11 party members to become more involved. We truly need a wide range of individuals to be involved in the Provincial Executive. A large group of skill sets always makes the most effective executive.
Barry Dickie
Party President
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