We can meet 2035 Emissions targets - May 2023

Our province has never needed the Green Party more than now. The climate crisis has reached a point where daily heat records are being surpassed in different places all around the planet. Here in Canada, much of Alberta and Saskatchewan have been suffering deadly forest fires lately, especially in the north.

Despite all this, Scott Moe and the president of SaskPower Rupen Pandya both spent much of a recent press conference insisting that Saskatchewan cannot meet the federal goal of net zero target emissions by 2035 and that 2050 is the only thing feasible for SK. This, despite the fact that clear pathways have been shown for how to get there in this province.


My memory of the day they made these announcements was of an air quality index of 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. They literally just needed to spend some time outside that day to see the urgency of the climate crisis facing us right now.

We need to work together and keep mobilizing for the 2024 October election. Do you have skills you would like to try out volunteering for the Saskatchewan Green Party? There is encouragement and camaraderie at every step. Please reach out and talk to us today. You are needed. 

Let's ensure together that we elect at least one strong voice for the climate to Saskatchewan's legislature in 2024!

Contact me anytime. I want to hear from you.

Naomi Hunter
[email protected] 

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  • Nancy Carswell