Do you know someone who would make a great Saskatchewan Green Party candidate?
Candidates must be committed to attending election forums and doing local media interviews during the election. We have not announced candidates in the following ridings yet:
- Arm River
- Athabaska
- Bigger-Sask Valley
- Cannington
- Canora-Pelly
- Carrot River Valley
- Cumberland
- Cut Knife-Turtleford
- Cypress Hills
- Indian Head-Milestone
- Kelvington-Wadena
- Kindersley
- Last Mountain-Touchwood
- Lloydminster
- Martensville-Warman
- Meadow-Lake
- Melfort
- Melville-Saltcoats
- Moose Jaw Wakamow
- Prince Albert Carlton
- Prince Albert Northcote
- Regina Coronation Park
- Regina-Elphinstone-Greens
- Regina Gardiner Park
- Regina Lakeview
- Regina Northeast
- Regina Pasqua
- Regina Rochdale
- Regina Rosemont
- Regina University
- Regina Walsh Acres
- Rosthern-Shellbrook
- Saskatchewan Rivers
- Saskatoon Churchill-Wildwood
- Saskatoon Eastview
- Saskatoon Meewasin
- Saskatoon Northwest
- Saskatoon Silverspring-Sutherland
- Saskatoon Southeast
- Saskatoon Stonebridge-Dakota
- Saskatoon University
- Saskatoon Willowgrove
- Swift Current
- The Battlefords
- Wood River
Please reach out by text or phone to Naomi Hunter at 1-306-561-8880 or by email [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about your candidacy in the October 28, 2024 election. Or sign up through this link on our website
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