Dear Fellow Greens,
Our Healthcare System in Saskatchewan is in freefall. It has reached an absolute crisis point because the SaskParty is allowing it to crumble, on purpose, to pave the way for more private healthcare. They have always favoured moving anything they can currently in the public system over to privately run options.
Our Emergency Rooms in Saskatoon have been forced to introduce emergency shutdowns. Province-wide, Saskatchewan ERs are collapsing. The safety of care is severely compromised. The expectation that people will have a family doctor is a pipe dream for many. We keep losing doctors and nurses; our province must step up and implement effective methods of retaining these professionals. Wait times for appointments and surgeries keep getting longer. It’s not too late to change these trends, but it will take a change in government!
The entire planet just went through a global pandemic. We saw that Saskatchewan is nowhere near ready in terms of emergency medical preparedness.
We must:
- Refund rural hospitals and healthcare;
- Stop centralizing everything;
- Build a system that actually supports our large rural population and helps rural people stay in their home communities when experiencing medical issues and/or old age. Right now we aren’t even close to that.
Saskatchewan could make a deal with the federal government for more healthcare funding, as Manitoba has recently done. The reason the SaskParty isn’t doing that is the federal government wants guarantees that the funds will be used as intended, for healthcare. The needs of our residents must be put ahead of the political ego. On health funding, we are once more getting gaslit by our premier.
The Saskatchewan Greens see rebuilding and properly funding our healthcare system as one of the top issues affecting everyone in our province right now. We need to build a system that supports people before they're in crisis or seriously ill. We need sustainable Healthcare planning now.
Naomi Hunter
Leader of the Saskatchewan Green Party
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FacebookI find that is mostly true for the seven communities in which I’ve worked recently. I don’t think any of these would prefer to work in the city.
I’m glad that we have specialty services in the cities but the costs to rural people of traveling back and forth for five minute appointments is staggering. Defunding minor surgery (largely by replacing perfectly good equipment with disposables), centralizing obstetrics, and so on means that the rural people bear far more of the costs of health care and crowds urban emergency rooms. Some rural hospitals and urban specialists recognize the value of transferring patients back to their home hospital for continuing care to discharge means that urban beds are freed. This function of rural hospitals is less utilized that it should be – could it be the income for the physician generated by having patients in hospitals means less transfers? Centralizing emergency means for rural people two to four hour travels for emergencies including sick kids and accidents. Do you really want a three hour wait in an urban ER over an almost-no-wait in a rural one?
Is there “economies of scale”? Everything seems to take longer to turn over in large urban hospitals and if there is such a thing as economy of scale it is threatened by the increasing bureaucracy that comes with size.
I could write an essay on this topic but I’ll close by saying that, although I don’t have the numbers at hand, I recall rural people put less of a drain on health care spending than urbanites. (We have a narrower band of services too.)
I am willing to “live at risk” knowing that my “golden hour” is much longer than that because of my choice of location but I’m not willing to have my neighbours and friends do without health care services.
Centralize what makes sense; service what needs to be serviced.
To be relevant, the Greens must form a strategic alliance with the NDP and the Progressive party and only agree to only offer one left leading candidate in each provincial riding. Splitting the left vote just plays into the Sask Party’s hand.