2024 AGM Registration

The AGM this year will be a little different than normal. We will only be accepting 4 policy resolutions, and they will not be from the party membership. 

On Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, the party held a Special General Meeting. At this meeting, the party membership decided that we should form a committee to go through all of the party's official documents to simplify and provide more clarity.

There was an elected committee created by the party membership at the Special General Meeting. The committee spent many hours and completed their task. The 4 policy resolutions we will be voting on at the AGM are going to be submitted by the documents committee. The proposed resolutions will be included in the official ballot package which will be released before June 1.


Please find the proposed document changes here:

Proposed changes to SGP Policy and Procedures
re: 2024 AGM Resolutions




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