Remi Rheault for Moosomin - Montmartre

SGP Candidate Remi Rheault

Rémi G. Rheault is a self-employed developer applying an array of green technologies and instilling community job development into each project. As a longtime social activist (e.g., Black Lives Matter) he targets the loss of self-esteem that comes with joblessness and alienation from cultural traditions. 

Shortly after arriving in Langenburg from Ontario, Remi joined the Saskatchewan Green Party and became a Member-at-Large on the executive, with promoting affordable housing as a key goal. He is currently Vice President of the SGP executive. He believes that respecting and preserving Land and Resources for future generations is paramount for Canada and the world.

Remi's values are rooted in the First People of Turtle Island's traditions and nationhood, and this is his proud ancestry. He follows the Seven Sacred Teachings and aspires to lead by example. His second term on the executive has seen him inviting members to roll up their sleeves along with him, to keep learning and growing as active Greens. This is what you can expect of Rémi as a candidate as well.


To contact Rémi Rheault and volunteer with his campaign please email [email protected]