The Saskatchewan Green Party is pleased and proud to announce that Clayton Cave is our MLA candidate for Cypress Hills.
A former mayor of Tugaske for more than a decade, Clayton Cave resides on an acreage near Kyle. He is a renowned creator of jewelry carved from bone, antler and ivory; custom-built knives; and wood, stone and welded steel tools and ceremonial implements. His famous, meticulously carved pendants are made from exotic materials, from nearly fossilized buffalo bone to mammoth tusk, from whale’s tooth, elephant and walrus tusk to moose bone. Clayton’s functional and decorative works of art are featured in collections in Brazil, France, New Zealand, Australia, China and across North America. His work is sought by art dealers worldwide.
Clayton has enjoyed collaborating with internationally recognized artists including Edward Mobondo from South Africa, Stanley and Bobby from Inuvik in the Northwest Territories as well as with Joan Foulston from Tugaske. He has been honoured with the gift of sacred red pipestone and has been commissioned to carve several First Nations ceremonial pipes.
Clayton was born in 1954 and raised on the family farm near Tugaske. He gained an appreciation and respect for wildlife from years of hunting and trapping. Over a period of approximately 15 years, Clayton travelled with Cree Elders and Medicine Man Dennis Lightening, participated in and acted as a helper (mishtaube) in ceremonies including a four-day fast, sweat lodge, sun dance, give away, wedding, funeral, yuwipi, shaker tent, opening and closing of medicine wheel and rain dance.
Now as Clayton moves into provincial politics as MLA candidate, he looks forward to serving the needs of southwestern Saskatchewan residents and protecting the beautiful grasslands the area is known for.
If you would like to help with Clayton’s campaign please email [email protected]
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